Thursday, April 30, 2020

Self Portrait

For my self-portrait I decided to use two pictures that really show who I am and what I want to pursue as a career. Growing up I found it very easy to play sports and up until high school I wanted to work in the field of sports management. To this I compare the readings from Judith Howard’s research where she talks about identities coming from our surroundings objects, and our interactions with people. Growing up in a Hispanic household you’re surrounded by family members who are very passionate about soccer and all the friends I had were soccer players, so if you had asked me back then what I wanted to do with my life I would’ve easily said something in the field of sports. I had the all the support from my parents but as soon as I got to college, I had many doubts as to what I wanted to do with my life. Like many other students I was trying to find myself and truly do something that I loved and not something that was expected from my family or peers. In todays society its very easy to just lose yourself and let the opinions of others influence your life.

My 2nd year of college I found my self taking an intro to video production class, only expecting to watch movies in class and maybe create two or three projects. I ended up falling for the art of cinematography and the creative process of editing. My parents however weren’t so happy when I told them that I wanted to pursue a career in this field. They would question how I much I would be making? They would recommend completely dropping out from college and maybe go to trade school. All the friends they seemed to had that went to trade school were making a lot more “money” than someone who majored in video production. In “Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions” I found that although it was about challenging gender roles and teaching self-reliance it also helps demonstrate how supportive parents should be of their kid no matter who they become.

As I progressed through semester without the support from my parents, I found that my close friends were really the only ones I could count on. We would meet up and film whatever we wanted. From “Private Lives, Public Spaces” exhibit I found that the home videos depicted all private lives and captured intimate moments of people’s lives and that’s something I hope to achieve and hopefully one day I can impress my parents with a film that will leave them speechless.

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