Thursday, April 30, 2020

artist statment

Artist Statement

For my Self Portrait, I’ve decided to record a video as my assignment. I just recently received an Adult electric scooter for my birthday and have been using it to get out of the house and to self-reflect during this pandemic. I would like you to think of it as if you went for a run and or bike ride, and or just need a moment to enjoy nature and life. During this terrible pandemic, society has completely shut down and for the last month, everything has been on halt. The scooter is something I’ve wanted for a while now and when I received it from my wonderful girlfriend, which so happened to be at the beginning of the quarantined (perfect timing) it immediately gave me an instant new hobby. Even though it sucks not being able to see my friends or family, this new scooter was a new shining light, a new reason to get outside. I’ve finally got to take it out and drive it around, and from that first kick push to start the engine I glided down the street in pure enjoyment. I was immediately obsessed; I rode it for 3 hours straight (until it died). I told everyone I knew they needed to get one, and some did and were all hoping to ride together after this pandemic, but until then it’s just myself, my scooter, and my face mask, until better times of course. Also, I know that may sound sad, but this is an uplifting video, this is a video I hope inspires anyone to get out and make the best of a crappy situation. In all, I want to show how I am having some fun getting out but practicing self-distancing and respecting people’s space. I hope my steps can inspire you to find a new hobby and or even purchase a scooter lol, but either way please find some self-happiness during this dark time.

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