Thursday, April 16, 2020

Final Project Post

For my final project I decided to do a digital compare and contrast diagram drawing of my online and offline presence and how they both shaped my identity. Through this piece I decided to compare my actual self in an anime art style for my offline side while presenting my OC who goes by the same name/nickname as myself for my online presence, as she was the 1st character/mascot people associated me with. Within the diagram I also pointed out not only their personality traits,characteristics and likes, but also a bit about their physical differences as well, giving a feel on what fandom/ series I started on my online journey with.In creating this piece I really wanted to show the character side by side a with various descriptions that aren't set on a serious tone but more lighthearted or humorous, as I find that laughter and just jokes or funny statement really bring out the most out of me, especially when interacting with others. But express that my existence or life in general can be a joke at times either online or offline.and The reason why I created this in particular that connects back to my biography is that this presents a continuation on how my online and offline identity are slowly merging and becoming one. In relation to what was spoken in class, one of the particular themes and discussions that helped inspire my project was the conversation about the aliens in relationship to the blue book project pilot episode. I found it interesting that one person can view identity in such a broad spectrum such as us people being from earth is one form of identity compare to aliens that from an entirely different planet or galaxy. With that in mind I thought it was interesting to see how my offline identity differs or relates back to my online identity/presence and seeing how that helped shaped me as a person. As similar to the alien discussion, not only are we all part of the same planet but majority of us have an online presence or identity that slightly differs from how we act naturally in real life to family,friends, and coworkers. A side of you that not many know but still reflects to who you really are.

This connects to my previous work before it not only does it present the same character (Ray) in a context that reflects my history and how it made me to who I am today, but also present the difference in behaviors I have in real life compare to online which later on shapes the type of relationships and friendships I will have with other people from both sides that can be merged into one presence in time.How this work would reflect my professional aspirations would be through the concept of illustration and character design. As the work is done in a style similar to character design sheets for games,anime, and comics; hoping through my personal projects I can turn a graphic design based work into an illustrator based work.

Previous Work For People Who Haven't Seen It:

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