Friday, March 27, 2020


Here is an imperfect and ongoing list of sources you can read during this time. Most important is to look to experts, scientists, journalists and leaders who concentrate on facts. Information is changing quickly and laws and protocol are also changing quickly. Stay as calm as possible but read reputable sources as much as possible. You can broaden this diet with politicians, authors and academics that you also trust.

Here is a list to get you started. You can choose to follow these sources on twitter and/or go directly to their websites. Many of these sources have paywalls but allow you to view some content for free. Scroll down past the paywall warnings to read the news even if you do not subscribe.

I will keep adding to this list. *Please leave comments below with other sources to add and comments in general.

Health and Pandemic information:

CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

WHO - World Health Organization


The New York Times

The Wall Street Journal

The Washington Post



National Public Radio

The Economist

The New Yorker

Wire Services: The Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg News

The Atlantic


Time Magazine

Los Angeles Times

USA Today


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