Friday, March 20, 2020

My Letter to AJ

Jasmine Crockett
March 19, 2020

Dear AJ,
Hey AJ! You are three months into the world and you are absolutely beautiful. We found out that you would be joining the family a few days before Mother’s Day. Your Mom and Dad put your sonogram in a frame, wrapped it up and gifted it to Grandma. Auntie Lele, Sonia and I had been speculating if your Mom was pregnant weeks prior to the big announcement. Every family dinner your Mom would have a glass of wine and the excitement would just fade away. On this family night at your house it was just another day, food on the grill, music playing and laughter. Like I said before I would always check to see if your Mom had some wine and she did. You couldn't imagine the disappointment I had. Well after dinner your Dad called us into the dining room so Grandma could open her gift. I always knew at least I thought I knew my reaction to finding out you would be joining the family. AJ, no one couldn't contain their excitement. 
We needed this after the horrible 2018 we had losing our precious Joyce to cancer. She would've loved you to pieces. Her baby Tonio having a baby would’ve made her heart bigger than it was. It saddens me that you would never hear her contagious laughter, learning quickly that she did not like worms, her country sayings, giving titi some suga and how much everyone loved laying on her chest when we were your size. I can't wait for you to get older so we can tell you all the funny stories and the things she used to say. I’ll give you one which is famous in our family, “drunk as cooter brown”. I hope you would never have to experience that type of pain we endured losing Joyce. 
All of your cousins who had your Dad as an uncle terrorizing our lives since we were little would sadly have to do the same to you. All the unwanted hugs and kisses and tossing sneakers across the room is going to happen to you. I know for sure you are experiencing all the kisses and hugs right now since you can’t fight him off. The most annoying thing is hearing, “Is that a toy?” or “You missed me?”. After a while you learn that he feeds on hearing you get annoyed so just act like him getting on your last nerve is not phasing you. You would soon realize you got an amazing Dad on your hands. He stepped up as a father figure in my life.He showed me how it should feel to be unconditionally loved by a male figure. My favorite memory is going to get pizza in Brooklyn and then catching the Nets game. The love that he has for you store is scary so just soak it all in AJ.
Look at us now, March 2020. It’s the coronavirus pandemic and the world is in a crisis. This virus is affecting everyone directly and indirectly. Toilet and basic cleaning supplies are scarce. It makes you think about what people were cleaning and wiping with before. People are being inconsiderate with their new shopping habits, group gatherings and potentially passing this virus to their loved ones or someone else because they think they are invincible. People are out of work, no school and our economy is going to be negatively impacted. Missing some school is cool but I did not sign up for online classes and seniors did not work hard to have an online graduation. Your Auntie May worked hard to get her Bachelors in Marketing and she can not walk this May due to this virus. It sucks right now, AJ. We would get through this and hopefully our country would be better prepared to deal with something like this. 
I wonder what kind of person you’ll turn out to be. If the way you came into the world is a factor on the type of life you will have, it should be interesting. I’m going to predict a lawyer. You are a feisty talkative 3 month old. I can see it now, AJ is talking his way out of getting into trouble or getting his way. Everyone would be looking at one another like he got me again. I can't forget you got the hair for a slick talking lawyer. What other baby you know came out with the jet black comb over? Taty and I are still convinced it's a wig, your parents can't fool us. Anyway AJ, I love you and can't wait to see what kind of man you'll turn out to be. I’ll see you after the quarantine. 

From your favorite big cousin,


Everytime I see a picture of you I scream,  “AJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ”
Antonio O'Bannon Jr.

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