Saturday, March 14, 2020

MIDTERM writing assignment

Dear Tyree Lark:

Who are you and what is your personal identity? I'm a 29-year-old African American. I was born in Livingston, New Jersey, but live in East Orange, New Jersey. I lived in Jersey most of my life; I love it here. But for my personal identity, I’m a laid-back type of guy. I like to go with the flow, but I work hard just like everyone else. Right now, I'm a senior at RU-N pursuing a major in New Media Technology (Filmmaking) and minor in Fine Arts (painting).

I love the work I do in filmmaking and as a director, editor, and cameraman. But with my painting it is the best way to express myself, with my emotions to make something interesting in an image with paint. But outside of school I'm a freelance photographer, doing landscapes, portraits, black & white photos. The two places I love taking photos are in New Jersey and New York. It relaxes me on a stressful day. For me the best place to take photos is New Jersey. Why? Because some people don't know that Jersey has some beautiful places and I like to show that to people.

So, Tyree what is your history? My history starts with my grandmother Florence when she met and married my grandfather Sylvester Smith Jr. in November of 1955. Those two were joined at the hip. He was the silly and playful one and she was the serious and slightly strict one. They had five kids, which are my three Uncles Sylvester the third, Kenneth, Sean, and two daughters my Aunt Yvette and my mom Deborah. We have a family saying to stay together in hard times. “In times such as the ones we are living in now, families become more important than ever.

So, what is your relationships like? With my family it is amazing. I feel happy when I’m around them and they give me the love and the loyalty I have towards them. But with my friends, they keep me motivated and drive to success, because some of my friends are New Media Technology (Filmmakers) or Fine Arts (painters) like me. When I see my friends enjoying what they do, that motivates and drives me to do better and to get better in my career. The communities to which I belong too, Is the Newark community. To me, a community can’t be any one thing, it’s my family and neighborhood but for others it can be a different story?

A community means a neighborhood that supports and helps one another to better the community. My personal manifesto and my present revelations and hope for the future? The people that keep me motivated is my family and friends. They drive me to success in my career. A quote the motivates me when I’m by myself is “Never give up, never surrender” from a movie Galaxy Quest because people need something like that to keep pushing, when their life gets hard. Like that feeling when you are about to give up or quit. So, my hope for the future? Will be me having my own media studio in New Jersey in the urban community to help the next generation of photographers, filmmakers, artist...etc. I will help them to express themselves through their art of choice. That’s the future I want for me and my community.

Take care of yourself Ty

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