Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Dear Future Grandchild

Dear Future Grandchild

            I’m writing you this letter at time when I don’t even know if I’m one of your great grandparents were so happy give your life and have you be a part of our family.  Hopefully, you will never have to experience the likes of what I’m experiencing today with new pandemics and the lack of resources.  I want to you to be able to enjoy life, yet I want to you to learn from your experiences. I want to impart a important few words to help you in life and that is always be true to who you are. In fact, it took me a lot of years to adhere to this advice.  I was born into the wrong body.  Yes, my grandchild, I am diabetic (hopefully you have never heard that before).  I didn’t understand what I was going through when I was younger and it was something I had to learn to live with.  People, especially children, can be cruel and blatantly hurt your feelings I face many cases of children picking on me for my disease because they did not understand it.   With that said never let those that wish to hurt you through words break your character for the ability to stay true yourself in such hatred will make you a better person.
            My next lesson to you grandchild is that learn to look at the world from multiple angles. The world is not black and white, it is in fact made up of many shades of grey each with there own stories to tell and things to explore. Do not fear the unknown just because you do not know it, learn from it and become a better person for it and cherish what you find and learn. Every day is different that’s what the today is called a present so love that present and spend your time doing what you love.
            Lesson three is to maintain love for everyone including your enemies.  You will learn to coexist with people and sometimes you may not agree with on things or like as a person and that is okay but never hold hate in your heart because like poison it eats away at you. Always show proper respect to people even if they are the ones you hate but don’t take this the wrong way you do not have to pretend to be there friends you merely afford them the right to respect as fellow human beings and if they can’t do the same for you then realize you are a better person then they are.
            The fourth lesson has to do with your molars in life. They will always differ to other people but always remember that love is universal and being a good human being is less about always following the rules but understanding that right and wrong sometimes come from the heart. Whether you believe in a higher power or not just remember to always live your life with honor, and pride so that at the end of the day no one can say you did less than the last person. Take pride in being a person you can say is an amazing human being and treats everyone the same no matter the belief they have or race they may be. Be better the generation that came before you because you are the future and one day you will have to teach your children and grand children what that means to be the future and if you remember these lessons you will succeed in doing just that.
            The last lesson is an easy one because if you have been paying attention it would come natural to you. Listen to those that want to help you, it sounds easy but trust me it isn’t. Its very easy to brush over those that may be older or don’t fully understand the world you are in now but just because they may not keep up with the marching of time doesn’t mean they cant impart wisdom on to you that you can use to succeed in your life. They are here to make sure you have the foundation to attack life with the right mindset and beat all the odds that come against you. Take the words to heart and hold to them for when these people are gone, they can no longer impart more wisdom upon you and are left with the few they spoke to you. Remember Honor, Love, Pride, and Wisdom are the core principles to live by to be a better person.
                                                                                                                                                                Love Grandpa

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