Thursday, February 20, 2020

Private lives, Public spaces

Identity is a big construct of what makes a person who they are, in Judith Howard ‘Social Psychology of Identities’ she discusses all different types of identities and how they’re constructed. Howard states that, “Identity talk is organized around two sets of norms, one concerning respect for situated identities and a commitment to basic moral precepts, and the second concerning ways in which people deal with failure to endorse these basic moral precepts, through denials of responsibility and other attributional tactics.” There is always a talk on identity and how to deal with or how its constructed. People tend to group and associate themself with others who share similar identities to them or identities that share some form of commonality. A person as usual can cross over into multiple identities and in that sense cross into different types of relationships and connections between others and groups they associate with.
The home videos foreshadow the social media imagery of today because it shows the interest of recording almost everything that happens in everyday life and events. The need to show what happens or to share something that happens, it all started with these home videos and slowly involved into something that is shared not only for the person but to others as viewers. 
The home movies we saw at the MOMA in comparison to artistic and commercial cinema is that a lot of them are edited to shots that the person recording was mainly interested in or scenes that they liked from what they recorded and switching between close up and far away shots and exploring angles. In contrast to them there not acting in most cases but doing things they would do in their everyday life like go to church, have a wedding and more.
On the issues of race and gender in the movies I noticed that there was more focus on white families having activities such as the family having a wedding, or the one with their babies while the films with people of color focused on them at work or at school. There was one video in particular that showed some children of color at school being taught by a wgite woman and another video with some other men of color where they were mainly doing work. There was one video in the front that showed young children at a home setting and one with some boys dancing with a girl but those were some of the select few that focused on people of color. When it comes to gender on the other hand a lot of the videos didn’t have much of a focus on women during the recording they were mainly on the sideline with a few that had a focus on them. It connects with Aidiche’s book where she talks on how to treat women and how to give them the same equality as men and not teach them to live up to the standards placed on women from society similar to the women showed on the videos where they were displayed as caretakers for their children and their homes. Videos where women were put in some focus of the video they were either with children or by their husband’s side but there was very few to little videos displaying a focus on women and showing off their individuality innstead there was a focus on their roles in society and put in the background or a motherly position. 
Some things that I noticed about the films is that some are a bit questionable such as the one where this couple is with their child and the father starts lifting up his daughter while she is nakes and moving her around all over around him and flipping her it was just odd to see that done on a young naked child and very questionable with how bleak the setting where it was done at. It’s just a very questionable thing to record especially when put into the aspect that it was a home video. Usually people with children don’t usually do tricks on video with their child naked. 
As a graphic artist these videos make me learn that there are all types of people in their own different types of spaces and things that they do that mamy pbe personal or preferential to them. It makes me aware that everyone has their own type of preference to what they like to see or do and that affects their interests. In my field I will have to work with all types or peoples that share all types of interests and preferences. 

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