Sunday, February 2, 2020

hi !

Hi! My name is Katie Mok, I'm a senior at RU-N pursuing a major in Journalism and minor in Marketing. I was iffy about marketing but choose to continue it because I was interested in how attention can be captured and the process of doing so. I am 21, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York but currently lives in East Brunswick, New Jersey. I'm sorry but Jersey debates are weird... who cares if central exists or not? Because the only debate I care about is who has better pizza... New York by far...deep dish isn't pizza. And Taylor ham or pork roll? Why would I choose ham when there is sausages or bacon? Come on...

My hobbies varies. But I do love fashion, I could literally daydream about styling outfits together (I daydream about it because I can't afford to buy the outfits...sad reacts only please). My mom always said I was picky with what I wore since I was young. But she gets all the credit for my love of styling... my mom dressed me so well as a kid. I love taking photos on film. I love the results after it is processed, it adds that homey feel. I'm also on the lookout for a new film camera so if anyone has suggestions please let me know! Much appreciated! And of course I Netflix and Hulu...a lot. If you have Netflix please watch Next in Fashion. I actually cried, and what the designers create out of thin air is actually amazing and beautiful. And Brooklyn Nine- Nine is literally the best show ever. 

I am Chinese- American and extremely prideful of my roots, now more than ever. I'm bilingual, speaking Cantonese and English, which I feel is a big part of my identity. Recently I studied abroad at the University of Hong Kong and that experience boosted my love for my roots once more. Never was I surrounded by so many people like me, Chinese- American (and Canadian, Aussie and much more) but we all spoke Cantonese, so it was pretty cool to experience that together! 

Here are just some photos I took while I was in Hong Kong. It's a beautiful city undergoing something huge right now #standwithhongkong. But when the chance comes I highly suggest visiting. I was blessed with the opportunity!

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