My hobbies varies. But I do love fashion, I could literally daydream about styling outfits together (I daydream about it because I can't afford to buy the outfits...sad reacts only please). My mom always said I was picky with what I wore since I was young. But she gets all the credit for my love of styling... my mom dressed me so well as a kid. I love taking photos on film. I love the results after it is processed, it adds that homey feel. I'm also on the lookout for a new film camera so if anyone has suggestions please let me know! Much appreciated! And of course I Netflix and Hulu...a lot. If you have Netflix please watch Next in Fashion. I actually cried, and what the designers create out of thin air is actually amazing and beautiful. And Brooklyn Nine- Nine is literally the best show ever.
I am Chinese- American and extremely prideful of my roots, now more than ever. I'm bilingual, speaking Cantonese and English, which I feel is a big part of my identity. Recently I studied abroad at the University of Hong Kong and that experience boosted my love for my roots once more. Never was I surrounded by so many people like me, Chinese- American (and Canadian, Aussie and much more) but we all spoke Cantonese, so it was pretty cool to experience that together!
Here are just some photos I took while I was in Hong Kong. It's a beautiful city undergoing something huge right now #standwithhongkong. But when the chance comes I highly suggest visiting. I was blessed with the opportunity!
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