Saturday, February 1, 2020


Hello! My name is Eileen Nguyen, I'm a senior here at Rutgers and I'm studying Journalism (major) and Video Production (minor). I chose to study Journalism and Video Production because I believe myself to be more of a creative person, rather than someone who sticks to the book. I was also never really good at math or science, so.

My major and minor also lead to my personal interests, which are fashion and beauty. I love putting together outfits and applying makeup and to be able to document the trends that are happening within the industry is something that I've always loved to do. I also love taking photos so I picked up photography as a hobby, where I'm slowly getting the hang of capturing and editing fashion photography.

My interests weren't really respected by my family, as they wanted me to pursue the medical field. My family is Vietnamese immigrants who came to America during the Vietnam war, so they have a more different way of thinking than I do. I grew up believing that I only had one path in life, which was to please my family and become the ultimate first-generation child who pursued a job in the medical field. However, my eyes opened up to new possibilities when I was exposed to different kinds of activities and of course, the world of fashion.

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