Thursday, February 6, 2020

Introducing Myself, Lauren Milligan

Hello, my name is Lauren Milligan. I’m from Rahway New Jersey which is about 20 minutes south of RU-N. I’m currently in my 3rd year, majoring in video production and minoring in marketing. I have three siblings a younger brother and an older sister and a fraternal twin sister.  Out of all my siblings, I would say that my little brother and I have the closest bond, due to the fact that we share similar interests. While my siblings are more outdoing, I tend to have introverted tendencies and occasionally can be extroverted if the situation calls for it. 

While my siblings and I have been born and raised in America, my mother has opened another door to culture, by emerging us to her native country in Trinidad & Tobago. What’s beautiful about the culture is the steel pan and limbo dance both originated from there! I also happen to take a likening to the diverse culture. As a kid, it shocked me that the world was so much more than ‘Black’ & ‘White’. For the time, I saw Black, White, Chinese, Arab, & Indian in one place! And they spoke with Caribbean accents. I soon learned that this is normal and that’s why I happen to be very comfortable in places that are very diverse. As a result of embracing my mother’s culture, I recently became a dual citizen of both Trinidad & Tobago and America. This is great because I can stay there indefinitely and enjoy the beautiful beaches and also exercise my rights as a citizen. 

As for my interests in video production, it started out because my father had a great interest in film. At a very young age, I’ve seen my father act in movies created by well-renowned directors, Spike Lee to be exact, to filming shorts of his own. The technical aspect of putting shorts together amazed me and created an interest I still enjoy today. After graduation, I’d like to get into the advertising industry. I find that I’d be satisfied if I were involved in the creative process of campaign ads that people saw on tv and out-of-door. In my spare time, I enjoy taking pictures and posting them on my website. Mainly because I get bored and my brother is so photogenic that he needs a new profile picture every week! Okay, slight exaggeration...maybe every month, but it’s still frequent!

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