Saturday, February 1, 2020


Hi, my name is Esther and I’d love to be friends with everyone. However, I tend to get super nervous or anxious and end up sticking to myself. To any outsider, I am a quiet, unfriendly, mean looking  girl. Perhaps, even a bit boujie. Personally, I know I’m a bit too antisocial but I’m working on being more outgoing, I’m also a huge procrastinator and possibly the most unorganized person ever. I love everything about fashion, God, and anything concerned with educating younger people about the issues we face as we grow older.

On a personal micro-level I am super emotional, fragile, and laugh at the slightest joke. I love giving advice and embracing others. I feel like there’s this strong beast of a woman living inside of me, waiting to be let out. For some reason, even in the 21st century, I’m scared to be that woman. I’m too concerned of how I’ll be perceived.

On a universal macro- level I’m a confident,  African American leader, and enthusiast. I was born and raised in Guyana. I aspire to make a world wide impact. I wish to bring to light issues that women still struggle with and perhaps even help them make sense of it all. I want to be a disciple for Christ and help others know that there’s a God out there who loves them. I wish to also be involved in some aspect of fashion.

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