Sunday, February 2, 2020


Hello everyone,
My name is Berteal but everyone calls me by my middle name which is Liannah. I prefer Liannah over Berteal because it is what I have been called since birth. Literally no one really calls me Berteal. I am a junior here at Rutgers University-Newark majoring in Video Production, minoring in Social Justice. I am apart of the HLLC community and I am currently enjoying the dorm life with my dog Hennessy. Henny is a Pug/Chihuahua mix breed and she serves as my ESA.

A few things to know about me...I am generally a happy person. I am always smiling and laughing. I can't go a day without laughter. I believe that laughter is the key to happiness, so you can usually catch me laughing or making someone else laugh. I am also a very talkative individual WHEN I WANT TO BE. This is important because if I am not talking trust me, I am listening, observing, or just not feeling your vibe (sorry not sorry). That last statement leads to another thing I like to be upfront about with people which is that I am very honest , sometimes a little too honest. I like to be straightforward with people and I generally attract straight forward , blunt, real, whatever you want to call it, people.

As far as my interest as I mentioned before I am interested in video production. I am a very creative being and I love to create, edit, and write content. Ever since I was a child I was always so fascinated with the art of film and entertainment. I have always had a burning desire to be an entertainer and film maker. It's honestly something about dreaming and visualizing things in your head and then manifesting those visions onto a big screen that fascinates me. I am a vivd and avid dreamer. Although I had this desire I never quite felt it was possible or within my reach to obtain or apprehend my dreams up until just recently when I took the time to get to know myself and believe in myself more. I am also in love with the art of music. I am a very passionate and talented might i add, lol writer and rapper. I love to write and create music and I love to "spit" or what many know it as rap. I strongly believe music was my first true love aside from the desire to do film. I loved music before I even had the talent or desire to understand or make it. Music is really my therapy, so I spend a lot of time creating and listening to new music. Last but certainly not least I am extremely big on vibes and energy. I like to refer to myself as spiritual not religious although I do still hold on to many of my Christian beliefs and practices I would not say I am the average Christian. I am very big on faith and protecting my energy.  I spend a lot of time trying to recharge after long encounters with a lot of humans. LOL I know that must sound funny but it is really true. I strongly believe when you are around a lot of different people you come in contact with a lot of different energies, vibes, personalities, etc and personally it can be really draining for me so I like to find peace in spending alone time with myself and God.

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